Friend, Did you catch us last week during our live Q&A session on Facebook? If so, may have heard a new term that has been circulating our group lately - saucy glutes. Yep, this is now a Green Door Life coined phrase that will be here to stay. But we digress. Let's revisit more specifically how to build a strong Gluteus Maximus! Several of our rock-star clients are reaching that point in their 12-week weight loss journey where they've lost an impressive amount of body fat (yes... even during a pandemic) and are ready to start focusing on muscle-building goals. We start off them off with full-body, fat-burning workouts delivered in our training app, but some people want to add a little volume or shape to a specific body part once they reach their initial goals. When we look at developing certain muscles in the body, it's important to take into account a few things:
1. Are you building for size, shape, or performance?
2. What kind of...