It's easy to let self-care slip during stressful times.
But if we've learned anything these past two years, it's that de-prioritizing our physical, mental, and spiritual health during times of great upheaval and stress is counterproductive.
If we truly want to be the change we want to see in the world, we cannot help much from a place of chaos and fear.
The solution does not exist in the same environment that created the problem.
How can we move into creativity, peace, and problem-solving if we're paralyzed with fear and dread?
We say... while we can't necessarily be on the ground or at the front lines helping every single cause that we're passionate about around the world, we can identify that which is under our immediate control... and it starts within.
We say... now is the time to double down on your self-care and soul-care like never before.
You will be of so much better service to those around you, humanity and large, and the collective evolution of consciousness and our human species if you are also:
๐physically aligned
๐mentally and emotionally grounded
๐spiritually integrated
There has always been a best of times + worst of times, at the same time - just ask any past generation.
The only thing we can control is our perspective and reaction.
What signal are you sending out to the Universe now?
Are you living in love?
Are you overwhelmed with fear?
Are you oscillating somewhere in between?
If If you’re going through a rough patch, a dark night of the soul, or just maxed out on absorbing global upheaval, try saying out loud this loving affirmation from Louise Hay:
“All is well. Everything is working out for my highest good. Out of this situation, only good can come. I am safe.”