The first run was the worst... shocking, I know.
Every step was miserable. So I immediately asked for support.
I asked my husband to join me. He did. It started to suck less.
I asked my kids to ride bikes alongside us. They did. It started to suck less.
I put on music, listened to books, practiced affirmations. It started to suck less.
I embraced the suck. Even in cold weather, I ran. Even when I came up with a million other excuses not to run... I ran. I kept going.
I kept my promise. I didn't stop doing anything else that I normally do that I hold of utmost importance.
This was just a very, very small addition to my daily routine.
But I do spend less time now doing things that don't add to my development as a human.
And THIS is the power of DISCIPLINE.
Discipline = Freedom.
Ironically, you'll gain more time back in your life when you commit to something.
You'll no longer waiver between "well, I might do this" or "let's see if I get to it."
No. You're doing it. You committed. You promised. You intended it. It's happening.
My daily running experiment also reminded me of how important it is to do something new and UNCOMFORTABLE every day.
I was naturally uncomfortable for almost a year when I lived in a van with the fam.
Being back in a house now has introduced a level of complacency and comfort.
So, running has become my latest way to stretch and grow.
We ask our clients to get comfortable with being uncomfortable every day.
We ask them to slowly build new habits... to try things they never have before... to set new boundaries... to examine and release beliefs that are no longer serving them...
We, as coaches, walk the walk and talk the talk. We are right there with them every step of the way.
We can all do hard things.
Seeking the new, embracing the suck, challenging yourself, getting uncomfortable...
This is the nature of the human spirit!
It opens up new ways of seeing the world.
It's so easy to get complacent and settle. And complain. And get frustrated. And lose yourself in the chaos and noise of everyone else's problems around you and in the world.
Start getting uncomfortable today. It will make you more resilient and strong (mentally, physically, spiritually).
You deserve it. The world deserves it.
You can do hard things.
Will I run every day forever? I don't know. But right now, I'm committed to running daily until it stops sucking. I'll let you know when I get to that point and report back. ~Lisa
P.S. I still lift weights 3 times a week, eat balanced, and walk as much as possible. Running has not replaced any of my core healthy habits that are essential for muscle health, bone density, and energy. Cardio goes wrong when it becomes chronic, when one you under-eat, and when you don't balance it with resistance training and other cross-training modalities. If you'd like to learn more, check out our nutrition master class.
P.P.S. Book a free call with us if you're ready to challenge yourself and take back your health 🤩
Shannon Morse & Lisa Kirby | Creators of Awaken Your Nutrition |