Here are the patterns we see that are holding people back:
👉 Trying to use cardio as a tool to manage their weight
TRUTH: nutrition is the main driver of body composition (muscle to fat ratio); you can't out-exercise an imbalanced diet, even if you're eating "clean" or "healthy". Plus, your body adapts to cardio over time meaning you burn less calories doing the same activity.
👉 Thinking that they're strength training when in reality, they're actually doing too much intense cardio
TRUTH: Too much cardio like F45, Barry's, running, Orange Theory, Peloton, spin class, etc. stimulates mostly type 1 muscle fiber, taxes the central nervous system, and drives up cortisol which can cause inflammation and belly fat. This is why we see so many women in particular actually gain weight from doing these classes too frequently and for too long.
👉 Skipping breakfast regularly and not eating until mid afternoon
TRUTH: This ramps up cortisol and other stress hormones + increases the likelihood of consuming more calories in the second half of the day when you are the least insulin sensitive. Long-term IF for most women is a disaster for metabolic health + hormone balance.
👉 Having zero awareness of the amount of stress that they are experiencing daily
TRUTH: Excess stress impacts not only our food choices but also the body's ability to burn body fat for fuel, especially for women in perimenopause and later. Our brains are re-calibrating to new levels of sex hormones and are simply ill-equipped to handle so much cortisol and stress as we could in our 20s and 30s.
So, what can we do about it?