Growing up, I was completely disconnected from my own body and its hunger signals. I was always trying to eat as much as my two (very) hungry brothers, and if I didn't eat fast enough, there may not have been anything left, especially with dessert.
I watched my parents indulge regularly, and I modeled the same behavior like a good little girl.
(Mom, Dad... I know you're reading this, and I love you! Thank you for being open to reflecting on all this with me over the years! We all do the best we can with the tools we have. And then it's on us to take ownership of how we want to evolve, grow, and move through life as adults)
In my family, the more you ate, the more praise you received for your hearty appetite... until I reached my 20's. But we'll save THAT story for another time 💚
Looking back now and understanding the stories of my family, I can understand how the women arrived there with all the conditioning and trauma they endured as children.
I thought maybe it was just my Italian family where the adult women would simultaneously push food onto everyone, not eat much themselves, and then openly make derogatory comments on their own bodies (and others' bodies) while squeezing areas of "fat" and talking about how much weight they needed to lose.
But, it turns out, it's not just my family. We've heard time and time again from our members that they've experienced very similar situations.
One of the most powerful parts of our 12-week Awaken Your Nutrition program takes its cue from the name: many experience an AWAKENING.
Our members quickly realize that our program is not a diet. It's not a bunch of meal plans. It's not something you do short term. It's not a surface level exchange of information.
It's teaching basic, undisputed, nutrition science FACTS applied to one's unique body and goals while integrating intention into each meal + becoming hyper-aware of your body's innate guidance system and signals.
It's unpacking all the conditioning around eating and drinking - something we've all done countless times over many, many years - which goes all the way back to childhood where our habits first started.
This is why so many of our members feel brand new not just physically but also mentally, emotionally, and spiritually after 12 weeks.
We go deep into the why behind our habits and behaviors... why we follow certain social "norms" unconsciously... where our beliefs about food came from... what happens when we start behaving differently and how that impacts everyone in our immediate bubble and beyond.
Many start to advocate for themselves, their health, and their choices when it comes food for the first time EVER.
And flexing that empowerment muscle spills over into every other area of life.
They become more confident in setting and communicating healthy boundaries around food... and around expectations at work.
They sometimes move on from people in their life who were dragging them down.
We're not kidding... we have so many members who have moved on from relationships, quit jobs, changed residences, and made other drastic changes after finishing our program.
They get clear and intentional about their wants, needs, and values.
They create and abide by a new standard of non-negotiables.
They prioritize themselves and their health FIRST.
And not just for 12 weeks, but for LIFE.