Uncategorized Dec 21, 2017

Jeff and I had a conversation yesterday about time and how it passes while on vacation. We were both noticing the feeling of days seeming longer. Perhaps this is what just happens when you are on vacation. I had a thought that it was partly due to taking the time to walk. Walk anywhere and everywhere that we could.

Growing up, I would walk everywhere. I would throw on my headphones, a jacket and walk in every weather condition. Walking in the rain was a favorite event. I don’t walk as much anymore as the function of my job supports the whole “time is money” aspect.  Every extra moment that I spend, will take longer to see clients which is something that I can’t yet justify on work days.

However, what I have noticed, and am reminded of, is what I experience while walking. Walking allows me to use my senses. The air on my skin, the rhythm and texture of the street or ground as I step, the lights, pebbles, street signs and little pieces of magic found everywhere when there is a little extra time to appreciate. I feel present and curious at the smallest things. Capturing them in film has been a dream.

It has also been a pleasure to watch what stands out to both Jeff and myself. Some will be the same, and some will be different. The differences have enriched the experience. What Jeff sees that I may normally look past, open my eyes to discovering something new and hear what drew his attention, from his perspective.  

The photos that we capture tell a story of the details that we find and are personally moved by.  The path that we walk and the moments that captivate or move us in some form or another.


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