Let's face it - many of us are bound to our laptops or driving around in our cars for most of the day.
We don't get anywhere near as much outdoor air as our ancestors.
Why is this potentially a problem?
Indoor air pollutants are often 2 to 5 times higher than outdoor levels and in some cases these levels can exceed 100 times that of outdoor levels of the same pollutants.
Not to mention, many indoor air pollutants like synthetic candles, artificial fragrances, and non-organic furnishings are endocrine-disruptors.
This means they can interfere with proper hormone production, often leading to inflammation, illness and weight gain.
A lot of influencers will try to sell you their air purifiers and non-toxic furniture at this point.
But here's the truth: nothing you buy will be better than getting outside as much as possible and getting fresh air!
Beyond less pollutants, time outside is associated with a broader, more open perspective and improved mental health.
How many times have you felt like things were rock bottom only to have an improved outlook by simply getting outside and going on a walk?
Diverting your attention away from technology allows you to get back into your body and out of your anxious thoughts...
Going outside gives you an opportunity to be mesmerized at the sky, notice local wildlife, smell flowers or perhaps the leftover recent rain on the asphalt...
Your worries may start to fade and you may feel called back into your body and into the present moment.
You may feel a sense of gratitude for the little things and even a bit of hope.
What freedom to be untethered by the constraints of AI-driven algorithms, brainwashing ads, and obscene news!
What does this have to do with your weight and health?
Everything. It's all connected.
You will never have a fit, healthy physical body if you're not tending to your mental, emotional, and spiritual as well.
If you're stuck in an office desk job all day, here's what you can do about it: