Your body type is one main factor in determining how you should eat and exercise to meet your goals.
If you're an under-muscled ectomorph, for example, who wants to build muscle and get toned...
But your primary exercise is long distance running and you aren't eating enough protein, it's going to be nearly impossible for you to reach your goals.
On the other hand, if you're an endomorph who wants to lose some body fat, increase energy and feel more light and athletic...
But you're only powerlifting, aren't walking more than 1,000 steps a day, and are over-eating carbs, it's going to be extremely difficult for to every get into fat-burning mode.
Of course, there is further nuance and bio-individual assessment for each person, but body types are an easy initial identifying system that steers the entire process!
So, make sure to watch in the next 24 hours before it goes away!
Shannon Morse and Lisa Kirby | Co-Founders of The Green Door Life