The Green Door Life Team
Jocelyn has always been very active and this has continued to be an integral part of her adult lifestyle. She grew up playing many sports from youth through high school with a focus on gymnastics and swim team. Now at 43, a wife and mom of 2 teenagers, Jocelyn still loves being active. You can find her hiking around the hills in her neighborhood, walking her Frenchie, strength training at the gym or dancing anywhere! Being active came naturally to her although Jocelyn knew she needed to start making positive changes on the nutrition side which led her to Green Door Lifestyle.
The Green Door Lifestyle offered her an abundance of knowledge, support, positivity as well as a devoted community which instantly had her hooked. Now armed with even more knowledge of fitness, nutrition, wellness and mindset, Jocelyn is benefiting from the personal expansion in all categories resulting in her personal growth and the strong aspiration to help others see their potential too!
Jocelyn graduated with a degree in Sociology from San Diego State University in 2002. Her studies have a direct correlation to the way she responds to work and life. Jocelyn loves to focus on the "how" and "why" and she loves people! She has the constant desire to want to learn and grow and has a passion for helping other women become the best versions of themselves. She thrives on connection and the value of building others up!
At the age of 29 Jocelyn was diagnosed with the autoimmune disease, Rheumatoid Arthritis. This diagnosis gave her even more of a reason to prioritize fitness, health, wellness and mindset. Jocelyn accepted this diagnosis as a challenge to better herself.
You can find Jocelyn sweating it up with the community in the live strength training sessions as well as leading private clients through their transformation journey’s.

How Nutrition Awareness Has Changed My Life
I had an unhealthy view of food. I looked at it as calories that will make me fat. I did not understand the nutritional value of foods and where our energy comes from.
I realize now that I was not hungry a lot of the time because I was fueling on coffee, appetite suppressants and anxiety!
Nutrition was never explained to me in a way I understood it. I bought into all the latest fads. I was eating "foods" that should not be considered or even legal as food!
The scale has been a huge issue for me since college. That number I saw on the scale dictated my entire mood for the day, it could send me into a tailspin of eating cabbage and celery to binging on snacks and take out foods that could last days sometimes. Every penny I threw into a fountain and every candle I blew out on a cake was the same wish for at least 10 years, "I want to be skinny" My thought was if I was "skinny" all my problems would disappear and life would be forever changed if I lost, 5, 7, 10 pounds by "my birthday", "the party", "my vacation", "this weekend" I have never felt more comforted by food.
I will never be able to look at nutrition as anything other than what it is....the fuel for our bodies to thrive. I am not controlled by the scale anymore, I barely look at it. I heard people say that to me before and thought I could never feel that way about it. I feel good in a way I don't ever remember feeling before. I have a sense of calmness that came from understanding nutrition. I want to be an example to my children, especially my teenage daughter. I think if we can help educate our younger generations about nutrition, daily movement and strength training than they will have a much better chance at a healthy future for them. Things can not stay the way they are.