The Green Door Life Team


Bailey Rinke

Functional Nutritionist and Gut Health Coach

Free Nutrition Master Class
Free Gut-Friendly Meal Guide
7-Day Anti-Inflammatory Meal Plan
Book a 60-Minute Paid Call

It was through my own battle with mental health that I found my calling for Nutrition. Despite growing up in the panhandle of Florida, where health food feels like itā€™s non-existent, Iā€™ve had a background in nutrition since a young age, thanks to my mother.

I gained a true passion for helping others heal, once I understood how anti inflammatory foods, meditation and yoga made such a shift in my own life. My goal is for my clients to gain control over their lives through a holistic approach focusing on the gut-brain axis.

I take a close look at gut health and believe that this is the first step in healing our bodies because our microbiome calls all the shots.

I am a certified health coach with Bauman College in Berkeley, California and have a masters in Nutrition Therapy with the Nutrition Therapy Institute in Denver, Colorado.

I am a firm believer that food is medicine, and we can save ourselves from the massive medical bills in our future by simply taking a look at what we fuel our bodies with everyday.Ā 

Challenges I have Overcome Through HealthĀ Awareness

  • I didnā€™t understand the connection between food and mental health. After studying nutrition and learning the science behind what food does for your body and brain I find it fascinating that food affects how we think and feel.