The Green Door Life Team


AnastasiaĀ Sauvage

NutritionĀ Coach

30-Minute Coaching Call

Anastasia is a mindset transformation, and nutrition coach in San Francisco, CA.

Her health journey started early in life when she developed a complicated illness at 11 and realized the actual value of health and vitality. After complete recovery, she made it her mission to maintain and maximize her physical and mental health for the rest of her life.

Following a less conventional path, Anastasia has trained and performed as a professional aerialist for the last decade, working as a solo silks artist and company member. Throughout her career, she taught classes and workshops, helping her students achieve their performance goals, prevent injury, and overcome mental blocks - all while having a great time.

Looking to fuel her body correctly for high-level performance, she became a client of Shannon’s through The Diet Doc in 2017 (before becoming The Green Door Life). The program completely changed her perspective on food. The education gave her the tools to go out into the world, feel confident about her choices, and create a lifestyle shift that she still practices every day.

She believes all parts of life play into the equation with a holistic approach and leaves no stone overturned. 

She has been certified by the National Academy of Sports Medicine for personal training, HLC (Holistic Lifestyle Certification) with the Chek Institute. She has completed Level 2 trauma-informed EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) Tapping training.

You can find Anastasia leading our monthly Astrology Workshops, as well as guiding private clients through their nutrition and transformation journeys.

Personal Discoveries Through The Green Door Life

  • Food restriction and labeling certain foods as "bad," or as a reward if I had been "good," or comfort if I was going through an emotional time. Then later, if I ate these foods, I would unconsciously label myself as "bad," or that I "deserved" to have them if I was going through a rough patch, or had been "good with my diet lately" which could justify a splurge. Many times this evolved into saying "F-it" and throwing away all progress because of hopelessness, frustration, and self-loathing.

Through nutritional balance and awareness, I learned to detach my sense of personal right or wrong from food and learned that there wasn't a good or bad, it was all a choice, and each choice had a different impact towards or away from my goals. 

  • "Repentance cardio" to compensate for big weekends, a PMS binge, or late-night stress eating. This resulted in exhaustion and fed the cycle of binge eating anyway.

Once I learned that cardio doesn't "fix" or compensate for eating too much, that pms cravings were totally normal and was a natural sign of the bodies desire for more of something, my binge cycles went away as there was nothing to restrict anymore. 

  • Overtraining/under-eating as a professional circus artist with body dysmorphia. There's a term called "circus fat" that means you don't have 6-pack abs that show (even if your body fat percentage is low and you're healthy). Also feeling like rest days were for the weak or completely diminish my progress overnight. I would catch colds all the time because my body was telling me to slow down. There was a sense of pride that came from exhaustion.

    Once I learned that I actually would be leaner once I at MORE food to fuel my body, that six pack showed up and my immune system recovered greatly!